stol·id....thanks to Mirriam-Webster
adj \ˈstä-ləd\Definition of STOLID
: having or expressing little or no sensibility : unemotional
— sto·lid·i·ty\stä-ˈli-də-tē, stə-\ noun
— stol·id·ly\ˈstä-ləd-lē\ adverb
Examples of STOLID
- She remained stolid during the trial.
- <the butler responded to the duchess's constant demands with stolid indifference>
Origin of STOLID
Latin stolidus dull, stupid
First Known Use: circa 1600
Related to STOLID
...because there are two examples included of stolid in a sentence, I will just add my two cents instead. This word is often confused with the word "solid" and it's easy to see why. Instead of mixing them up, I suggest that if you didn't know the meaning of the word "stolid" before today....use the word "solid" to help you remember what it means. I'm going to think of "stolid" as an emotional "solid."