Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Definition of REMISS per Mirriam Webster

1: negligent in the performance of work or duty : careless
2: showing neglect or inattention : lax
re·miss·ly adverb
re·miss·ness noun

Examples of REMISS

  1. I would be remiss if I didn't tell you how much I appreciated the lovely gift.>
  2. It would be remiss of me if I did not share with you the vital role God has played in my recovery. —Jennifer Howard, Undoing Time, 2001

I have been completely remiss in regards to my word blog since returning from Christmas in Colorado!

Friday, January 7, 2011


transitive verb.....          definition from Mirriam-Webster
1: to give substance or form to : embody
2: to establish by proof or competent evidence : verify <substantiate a charge>
sub·stan·ti·a·tion \-ˌstan(t)-shē-ˈā-shən\ noun
sub·stan·ti·a·tive \-ˈstan(t)-shē-ˌā-tiv\ adjective


  1. <substantiated his claim to local mountaineering fame with a photo of himself on the summit of Mount McKinley>
  2. <Mr. MacGregor couldn't substantiate that it was Peter, and not some other rabbit, in the cabbage patch.>

First Known Use of SUBSTANTIATE

....In three months, I will substantiate my New Year's resolution by fitting into my smaller jeans.